Latest Releases June 2022

Hi there. Well, it may have been a while since we reached out with an update, but we have definitely been busy bees behind the scenes. We thought there is no time like the present to let you know about some of our more notable feature additions and enhancements developed over the past six months that just might make your event organising life a whole lot easier.
All our development is driven by you, so feel free to let us know about any other suggestions you may have that would help you run extraordinarily successful events. We may even have an existing solution.
Introducing, in no particular order…
Event List Sorting & Search
As an event organiser you may be running lots of events per year or only a few but over many years, this has led to a very busy ‘My Events’ page. We have added the ability to search for an event by event name and sort your events list by event status. You can also set your preferred view as default so that every time you come back to your events page it will display the events in order of your preference.

Ticket Type Description
Sometimes having the ticket name alone is just not enough, and you may want to provide more detail outlining ticket inclusions and/or conditions. Well, now you can, as we have added the ability to include a ticket description. We have found that adding a ticket description really helps when a purchaser is unsure about which ticket type to purchase

e-Bet Integration
Do you use E-bet to manage your membership base? You can now integrate your Sticky Tickets account with your eBet account and provide discounts and ticket availability to your members based on their membership tier.

Notification Preferences
Have you noticed you are getting a lot of emails from us lately? You can now select which emails and notifications you want to receive and which ones you don’t.

Check-in App Enhancements
Check Out (in) our new Check-in App. With a sharp new design, new functions and improvements we think you and your check-in operators will love it.

Custom Event Page Designs
Are you running events that require their own individual branding or colours rather than the same design across all your events? We have now added the ability to create individual custom event pages. Yes, that’s right, different looking event pages on the same account.

Feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions regarding any of these features and/or if there are other features you would like to see us develop in the future.
Best regards,
The Sticky Tickets team.
Tags: Features, New Features