The Ethics of the Ticketing Industry

The ethics of the ticketing industry has come under fire recently, with complaints such as hidden costs, inability to purchase tickets as they are taken by resellers, and fraudulent events where ticket purchasers are left in the lurch. In some cases there is cause to question some of this, however it also highlights issues which potential organisers and ticket purchasers can take into account when choosing their ticketing providers.
Whereas different states and countries have different laws governing their ticketing, we believe that the standards which Sticky Tickets has set in terms of ethics, service and performance would match or exceed any standards set worldwide.
We will:
• Provide equal, outstanding customer service to all who contact us, with a variety of easily
accessible channels for support.
• Maintain the highest standards of professional conduct by all who represent Sticky Tickets
• Prevent the sale of third party tickets on our site
• Constantly monitor fraudulent events and protect ticket purchasers from not receiving services
promised for their ticket purchase
• Vigorously pursue on behalf of ticket purchasers any organiser that has mislead or falsely
advertised an event on Sticky Tickets.
• Maintain at all times the confidentiality of information, and prevent any disclosure of any
information provided, as per our Privacy Statement
• Ensure the availability of consistent and accurate information regarding our services, events
and pricing
• Maintain transparent business practices
• Market/ promote our business in a professional and open manner
• Provide quality training and need only access to all staff of Sticky Tickets Australia
• Guarantee equal availability of services for all customers (however each individual organiser
sets the ticketing for their own event)
We have set our own standards of professionalism and conduct. These are monitored regularly to ensure that we are at all times compliant, however there are certain standards which, even though permitted by governing laws, are seen by us as unprofessional and not acceptable. We do not aim to simply operate by what is permitted, but by what we believe is right.