Increase Your Ticket Sales in January!

Depending on your event, ticket sales can be slow in January. People are tired and broke from celebrating, and lack enthusiasm. Here are a few ideas which can help kick start sales, and get the year started off right to increase your ticket sales in January!
Reward regular ticket purchasers- If you hold events regularly, you should have regular supporters, and you can entice them to come by offering them a better deal. Reward them for their loyalty!
Keep price in mind- As everyone has splurged on Christmas and New Year celebrations, many of us are going into January determined to pull the purse strings tighter. If you are going to hold a free event this year, make it this one! Another alternative is not to price this event too high, or offer plenty of discounts, such as early bird ticketing, or VIP tickets, where ticket purchasers can get more for their money.
Create a Competition- Not only can this help increase ticket sales, but it can also help promote your event. By using social media, not only can you create a competition whereby the person who sells the most tickets receives a prize, but you can get discussion happening about your event also.
Build a LinkedIn Group- Creating a group for your event on LinkedIn can generate conversation surrounding your event, particularly if your group is made public. You will be reaching many qualified people in your industry, and everyone in the group automatically receives updates.
Use your own advertising space- Make use of all the areas you can advertise… for free! Advertise your event in your email signature, your social media cover photos, and place a banner on your website. Remember you can always provide a link to your ticketing on your site, or alternatively you can install a ticket widget which allows ticket purchasers to select and reserve tickets on your site, and only leave for secure payment.
Use photos to showcase the event- Use good images that show what attendees can expect- a good image stands out and explains so much more than copy. Using these images can create a buzz on social media, as well as on your event or organiser page.