Are You An Online Ticket Buyer? : Tips To Make A Safe Transaction

With the new normal, post-COVID, events are gaining back their groove. It’s exhilarating for all of us, but after witnessing the uprising of scams in the digital marketplace, figuring out how to buy tickets safely can be overwhelming.  When making an online purchase, you are naturally aiming for the best deal out there but before anything else, you need to... View Article

Selling Tickets To An Event? How to Avoid Paying Hefty Booking Fees

Organizing an event is no small feat. From venue selection and catering to securing speakers and advertising, there are many moving parts to consider when planning an event. One of the most ultra-critical aspects of event planning is selling tickets; selling them online through an event ticketing platform is the easiest way. This approach has become increasingly famous in recent... View Article

Latest Releases June 2022

Hi there. Well, it may have been a while since we reached out with an update, but we have definitely been busy bees behind the scenes. We thought there is no time like the present to let you know about some of our more notable feature additions and enhancements developed over the past six months that just might make your... View Article

How online ticketing can help your club with COVID safety

How online ticketing can help with COVID safety… There are a few obvious ways in which implementing ticketing for club events can help you to meet your COVID safety obligations and keep your members, guests, staff and community COVID safe, but there are also a few ways that you may not have thought about. Read on… End-to-End Contactless Experience. When... View Article

Holding Events Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

There is no doubt that COVID-19 is having a tremendous impact on events worldwide, leaving event organisers with difficult decisions to make. Every event presents a different set of variables, so clearly the risks presented by Coronavirus need to be weighed up against the outcomes of the event, and it is ultimately up to each organiser to decide what they... View Article

Increasing Revenue Through Your Live Performance Events

Having fantastic, popular acts and performers always brings in the crowds, who usually end up also having a drink or even a meal at your venue also. Running live events really allows you to leverage the popularity of great acts, and combining them with online ticketing capabilities not only makes it a whole lot simpler and easier for you to... View Article

How to Price Tickets for Your Event

Pricing tickets for your event is a very difficult formula to work out, with many variables involved. You need to price your tickets so that they are affordable for attendees, however they also need to be priced so that the event is profitable for you. A great place to start in the process is to work out how much your... View Article