Holding Events Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

There is no doubt that COVID-19 is having a tremendous impact on events worldwide, leaving event organisers with difficult decisions to make. Every event presents a different set of variables, so clearly the risks presented by Coronavirus need to be weighed up against the outcomes of the event, and it is ultimately up to each organiser to decide what they... View Article

Increasing Revenue Through Your Live Performance Events

Having fantastic, popular acts and performers always brings in the crowds, who usually end up also having a drink or even a meal at your venue also. Running live events really allows you to leverage the popularity of great acts, and combining them with online ticketing capabilities not only makes it a whole lot simpler and easier for you to... View Article

How to Price Tickets for Your Event

Pricing tickets for your event is a very difficult formula to work out, with many variables involved. You need to price your tickets so that they are affordable for attendees, however they also need to be priced so that the event is profitable for you. A great place to start in the process is to work out how much your... View Article

Is Your Data Private?

Whenever you download an app, go to purchase something online, or make a payment, how many times do you check ‘Agree’ without reading the Privacy Policy? Did you know that the personal information you may be agreeing to providing is like gold, and changing hands regularly in a data marketplace all its own? These days customer data is a precious... View Article

Creating an Event Budget

Although this may not be the most appealing thing to do when starting the planning process for your event, creating an event budget is essential. You need to know what the costs will be for your event before you can set the ticket price, and project revenue. If you do not have fancy software, a simple spreadsheet is fine! The... View Article

Gathering Data About Your Attendees

Gathering data about your attendees gives you the opportunity to further engage them, provide them with a better experience at your event, and guide you in planning future events. The event registration process is a great time to gather information and get to know your attendees better, so make sure you carefully work out the information that is going to... View Article

6 Easy Tips to Deliver Presentations Like a Pro

Whether you have a one-off presentation to deliver or do it regularly, it’s critical to the success of your event that your presentation goes well. Presentations come in many different formats, however here are 6 easy tips that will help you deliver your presentations like a pro… Content Your presentation needs to be built around what your audience needs and... View Article

Scan Tickets and Move Lines

Are you fortunate enough to have lots of attendees coming to your event? If so, I’m sure you’ve already organised all the seating, speakers/entertainment, food etc to make it a great event that your attendees will love. Have you, however, thought about their experience upon arrival? The registration line is usually the longest wait people will experience at an event... View Article

Holding a Successful Virtual Meeting

Technology has recently provided us with some great tools that allows virtual meetings to be held anywhere, on any device. Virtual meetings have many advantages-  you can manage meetings effectively from wherever you are, it is more convenient, it increases efficiency as there is no down time for travel etc, and there is also a reduction in administrative costs. Whether... View Article

Write a Winning Event Proposal

Your event proposal reflects you, your event planning business, and the services you provide. If you can’t get your proposal perfected, you may miss out on some great opportunities. Your tender should cover everything your client wants, with your own personal style. Make sure this is portrayed, both in the copy and the style. Here are some basic tips to... View Article