Evaluating Your Event

Evaluating your event is vital in making you and your team more effective for your next event. Being evaluated is not about being negative, but finding out how you can make it better. A questionnaire is also good to get feedback from attendees, however it only covers a small proportion of the information needed to evaluate the effectiveness of an... View Article

Maximise Revenue From Your Event

There are many ways in which you can maximise revenue from your event by generating income from multiple sources. Here are some ways to go about it… Sponsorship Packages- sell a main sponsorship, or even have several smaller sponsorships. Make sure each of your sponsorship packages is packed with value, and include as many tangible benefits as possible, as well... View Article

What to do if Things Go Wrong at Your Event

Everyone who has ever organized an event knows that if something can go wrong, it usually will! The key is to plan for things to go wrong, and prepare. Here are some tips on what to do if things go wrong at your event! Keep Calm and Carry on! A cool head will usually prevail. Keep your wits about you,... View Article

How to Thank Your Event Attendees

Your event attendees may not only travel many miles to get to your event, but also spend a lot of money. It is not simply a nice gesture to thank them for coming, it is expected! Here are some tips on how to thank your event attendees… Give Away- Everyone still appreciates something for nothing. Try to provide valuable items... View Article

Searching For Your Event Venue

Choosing the right venue and location can make or break the success of an event. This is often the most challenging part of the event planning process, as even a small oversight can have huge ramifications… Researching, visiting and negotiating with venues can be time consuming and confusing, so here are some great tips on what to look for when... View Article

Having a Content Marketing Strategy For Your Next Event

With the presence of social media and sites such as YouTube, attendees no longer need to go to a conference to become more knowledgeable. Content is now very simple to access, and can be inexpensive and convenient-especially if you are watching online. Events these days therefore are not so much about increasing knowledge, but about increasing participation and interaction among... View Article

Time to Start Planning the Next Christmas Party?

Is it time to start planning the next Christmas party? Have you volunteered? There are several things you need to take into consideration in organising the office Christmas function such as the culture of the organisation, the tastes of those coming and the budget. Here are a few other tips and things to consider to help out in making the... View Article

Getting Corporate Sponsorship for a Charity Event

Getting corporate sponsorship for a charity event is a two-way street between your charity and a business, where you get help with the costs of your event, and the business gets exposure. Businesses want to be seen as doing the right thing and ‘giving back’, so a great way for them to do this is to show how caring they... View Article